New Moral Order™


Definition of the terms “Globalism Zero™” and “Globalism Zeroist”




[ gloh-buh-liz-uhm zeer-oh, gloh-buh-liz-uhm zeer-oh-ist ]

Summary Definition of “Globalism Zero™” and “Globalism Zeroist”

Globalism Zero™ represents a zero tolerance policy towards the greatest ever threat to face democracy and humanity in the modern ago – the threat of globalism. A Globalism Zeroist is an adherent of to this zero tolerance necessity.

Full Definition of “Globalism Zero™” and “Globalism Zeroist”

Globalism Zero™ represents a zero tolerance policy towards the greatest ever threat to face democracy and humanity in the modern ago – the threat of globalism. A Globalism Zeroist is an adherent of this zero tolerance necessity.

Globalism is a clear and present danger to every human being who is not a member of the globalist ‘club’, or those who are paid to serve that club. The club consists of only the world’s wealthiest dynastic families, some of whom permit themselves to be known proponents of globalism, by attending Davos, Bilderberg, the G20, and other annual globalist events, and by belonging to globalist round table groups, such as the UN, UNICEF, UNESCO, the EU commission, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, Chatham House – aka The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), The World Bank, the World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), Le Cercle etc, which all blatantly undermine and subvert national democracies in favour of a transnational oligarchy, and technocratic political control. Behind these groups, lies an even more clandestine layer of secret societies, steeped in occult customs and doctrine, which ultimately control the more public masquerade of political globalism.

The most obvious and topical example of how globalist institutions manipulate and manufacture situations for the sole purpose of advancing their globalist objectives, regards the Club of Rome, which in 1968, completely invented, out of thin air, the ‘global warming’, ‘climate change’ narrative, simply to assist the political and social agendas of globalism.

As the name suggests, the ultimate goal of globalism is to gain full-spectrum dominance over the entire planet under a non-democratic global dictatorship. Every major social problem, and many minor ones too, have been systematically and purposefully manufactured, in order to advance the cause of a globalist takeover of society. Once you come to know the agendas of globalism, you immediately understand the real reason for each and every one of these social catastrophes and seemingly random events. They are in no way organic, they are orchestrated. Within politics, almost nothing is coincidental and almost everything is conspiratorial. The inversion of that reality is what you you have been falsely told is the case.

Above all, the two main modus operandi of globalism are ‘ordo ab chao’ (order out of chaos) and ‘divide and rule’. Globalist agendas always seek to first destroy what is already there – the social fabric that holds people, nations and institutions together – so as to be able to impose their own rules and worldview upon that destroyed or weakened society. By dividing the people into manufactured factions, which are conditioned to think tribally and in opposition to each other, the globalists are able to divert attention from themselves, whilst orchestrating friction between races, genders, generations, religions, and nations. These wholly manipulated divisions between manufactured groups and identities can then be used to advance their destruction of the established society, and its traditional norms and values.

In order to achieve total domination of humanity and the world, globalism must advance and secure the following well-documented key objectives and agendas:

• The destruction of each and every sovereign Nation State through the ‘no borders’ policy and through the demonisation of the history and culture of those particular Nation States that pose the greatest resistance to the globalist takeover;

• The destruction of all small and independent businesses alongside the total monopoly takeover of all trade by globalist owned and controlled multinational corporations;

• The monopolising of all debt and money creation under the globalist institution of the ‘Central Banking System’, and the military destruction (via globalist NATO) of any Nation State that opposes the Central Bank takeover of its currency and banking.

• The destruction of true ‘Human Rights’ that solely represent each and every Sovereign Individual via their replacement with ‘civil rights’, which divide people by forcing them to identify tribally within specific groups, as well as socially empowering the corrupted Globalist Non-Democratic Organisations (GNO’s) that are designed to undermine and collapse the existing society;

• The immoralisation of the individual and society as a whole, through the destruction of family values, the sexualisation of children and promotion of pedophilia-related images and themes, and the promotion of any and all perverse and divergent sexual practices in tandem with the demonising of sexual norms.

• The promotion and propagation of addictive drugs, in order to breakdown the social framework, and place an ever greater strain on the finances of each Nation State, in preparation for a complete economic takeover by the globalist IMF and Central Banking System.

• The promotion and propagation of processed food, fast food, soda drinks and toxin-laced consumer products, in order to induce sickness and disease, placing an ever greater strain on the finances of the Nation State, and assisting in the Depopulation Agenda.

• The promotion of extreme violence, weapons of war, and military action, through Hollywood movies, video games, social media, mainstream news, and so-called spectator ‘sports’ such as MMA, boxing, wrestling etc.

• The use of both real and invented environmental concerns to falsely demonise carbon and CO2 along with the general public’s use of fossil fuels, cars, and traditional methods of heating and lighting, for the real globalist purposes of introducing the first ‘global poll tax’ (carbon tax), shifting the energy industry over to a 100% grid-controlled monopoly under the full ownership of globalist multinationals, whilst getting the public to pay for that energy transition, and to construct an energy dictatorship by which each and every individual’s energy source will be able to be turned off at the flick of a SMART-controlled and centrally operated switch, under the complete control of a globalist dictatorship.

• The depopulation of as many as 95% of the human populace to bring about a human population of 500 million or less, which will thereby be easily controllable under a globalist dictatorship;

• The destruction of every sovereign religion that does not amalgamate under a single ‘satanic/luciferian’ religion of globalism – presently referred to as ‘Chrislam’ (the globalist working title), which will evolve from the the UN’s current unofficial satanic/luciferian religion of theosophy in conjunction with the now largely globalist-controlled Vatican;

• The adoption of transhumanism in parallel with the elimination of the human species ‘homo sapiens sapiens’, which initially requires both the elimination of the natural ‘two gender model’ along with mass genetic experimentations on the human populace through Genetic Engineering (GE) and pharmaceutical testing of DNA and bionanotech research, mostly via injection and aerosol spraying of GE chemicals, Morgellons, genetically-modified fungus and mould, and with the accelerating addition of millimetre-wave microwave radiation.

For anyone with eyes to see, these agendas are now so very obvious, in light of the detrimentally destructive effect that they are having on your country, your community, and your culture.

When you consider the level to which people and nations have gone to oppose the worst dictatorships in recent history, and then realise that globalism is far more encompassing, far more threatening to both the Nation State and the individual, and by default, is obviously on a worldwide scale, it is clear that almost nothing should be off the table in respect to not only stopping globalism dead in its tracks, but actually rewinding its harmful and sinister advancement of the last 100 years or more.

Globalism Zero™ is in no way, shape of form about going backwards into the past, it is simply about undoing the great evil that has befallen society and humanity since the infiltration of the globalist dictatorship into the public space and into our democratic affairs. No greater threat to democracy and to the welfare of the global population than globalism has ever presented itself, and its elimination must become the primary focus of each and every conscious individual, and each and every genuine politician, for the foreseeable future. In order to go forwards peacefully, lawfully and democratically, we must, as a species and as a society, first defeat and utterly eradicate the spectre of globalism from the political and social landscape.

Globalism Zero™ approach is the only legitimate position for any moral and democratic Nation State to take within the current political and social climate.

See more important new definitions
of words and terms for a better society
at the New Moral Order™ Lexicon.

